Tooth Craving

recent few days we are all bz doin tooth craving...

it's actually one of our assignments given even b4 the exam...

and we were supposed to do it during the 3-week sem-break...

but then eu noe ler...

H O L I D A Y....

holiday = eat + sleep + shop + hv fun

no time allocated for assignments..

and so it's the time for us to pay the price of hving too much fun for the past 3 weeks...

>.< . . so let's see what we need :

POP block

it's smthg like cement actually...

Teeth Model

(for reference so that eu gt the right morphology)

last but nt least,

Tooth Carver

[in process.....]

the "serious" side of me XD


[ few hours later......]


proudly presentin eu my piece of work...

left maxillary second molar =)

3 ♥ (s):

Nikel Khor said...

vri nice tooth curve..keke

Eeleen said...

Wow wow!!! =) Nice. I'm gonna have a private dentist soon. YOU!! =)))

XiuQi said...

eeleen, thx =) **perasan** and waaa...private dentist...thx for trusting me so much ler..hahaha =P but it's not soon ler...stil 5 yrs ahead atleast >,<

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