It's called opportunity cost. To gain something, you have to let go of something. Missing out on certain things to have better benefits in the future is definitely good investment. You can always enjoy the birthday parties or travelling on weekends later. Some things matter more currently, and that's what you should focus on. I gave up a lot of things as well and I'm going through the same thing. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone on this. Cheer up.! =D
I agree on what your friend said. Be patient my dear. =) Hard work pays off. I felt the same when I saw my friends having fun at birthday parties back in Penang and felt totally left out. But look at the new things you learnt and found along the way while in KL.. They are new experiences and great memories too..=)
2 ♥ (s):
It's called opportunity cost. To gain something, you have to let go of something.
Missing out on certain things to have better benefits in the future is definitely good investment. You can always enjoy the birthday parties or travelling on weekends later.
Some things matter more currently, and that's what you should focus on.
I gave up a lot of things as well and I'm going through the same thing.
Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone on this.
Cheer up.! =D
I agree on what your friend said. Be patient my dear. =) Hard work pays off. I felt the same when I saw my friends having fun at birthday parties back in Penang and felt totally left out. But look at the new things you learnt and found along the way while in KL.. They are new experiences and great memories too..=)
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